
One Genius Writer started in 2024 when a group of cinema and gaming enthusiasts decided to share their thoughts and opinions. It’s where you can find the latest news and reviews about movies, TV shows, games, anime, and Korean and Chinese dramas.

Our team isn’t just made up of people who love to write; we’re big fans of what we cover, too. Even though we come from different backgrounds, like publishing, journalism, and creative writing, we all share a massive love for the entertainment industry. As movie, TV, gaming, and anime fans, we’re thrilled to create a space that answers every question a fellow fan might have.

We’ve come a long way since we started, and we’re not stopping. As more people enjoy our content, we’re committed to improving it based on what our readers like.

You can find that information on our website if you want to know more about who owns One Genius Writer, who writes for us, and how we’re funded. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out through our contact page.